Here's a fun little project for the kiddies just in time for Easter, an Easter Bunny mask.

Bunny Mask

Here are the things you will need.

  • 2 Paper Plates
  • Staples or Glue
  • Colored Marking Pens
  • 2 Rubber Bands
  • 1 Plastic Straw
  • Scissors

Be sure to have your parents help with the cutting so you don't cut yourself!

Mark cutting lines for the ears and bow tie on one of the plates using the other plate as a guide.

Cut the plates

Cut out the ears and bow tie.
Mark and cut two holes for the eyes. You can use a ruler to measure your eyes so they line up good.
Take your colored markers and make your rabbit face, ears and bow tie.
Cut the plastic straw in half and the cut from the ends to make whiskers.
Poke a small hole on each side for the rubber bands. These will hold the mask on when it's finished.
Staple the ears and bow tie to the face.
Put the rubber bands through the holes and loop them through themselves.
Glue the whiskers on and there you have it.

Wear this mask and you will be the hit of the Easter Egg hunt. Have fun!

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